Hey all- KitchenArts is Best of Boston once again! Check out our current stuff at KitchenArts.biz. We're not posting to this blogger site anymore, but you can still comment here or get in touch.

Thanks- Owen and the KitchenArts staff.

16: Caffe Froth Milk Frother

When this item came out it was a godsend to many. It works great--i guarantee anybody can get results with it first try. (cold skim milk works best, or you can heat the milk in the microwave first.) The results are so thick that people use it as a whipped cream substitute--try adding some flavored syrup! Most of our customers use it as a coffee topping, to simulate a cappaccino. It produces enough foam for 4-6 coffee drinks or desserts. $19.95

click here for KitchenArts online store


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