Hey all- KitchenArts is Best of Boston once again! Check out our current stuff at KitchenArts.biz. We're not posting to this blogger site anymore, but you can still comment here or get in touch.

Thanks- Owen and the KitchenArts staff.

18: Microplane and siblings.

It's hard to believe that every individual living in the USA doesn't already have one of these things...after all, it's been in our (and every other kitchenware outlet's) top 10 for years. Still, they sell and sell and sell. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. If you have never had grated Parm from a Microplane, buy now. Same goes for citrus zest. Holy smokes it's good. The original (and the one I recommend first) is the model 40020...long like a ruler, $14.95. For me the texture is just right. But if you want coaser, or finer, there are models for you too...

click here for KitchenArts online store


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