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Thanks- Owen and the KitchenArts staff.

19: Orka Mitt at the staff BBQ

The Orka mitt. Silicone. A modern wonder. People come in the store and play hand puppet with this thing every day. ("Hey Mabel...look at this! AAAArrrOOOgah! AAArrOOgah! If only it had googly eyes!") No, it isn't rubber. No, it doesn't melt. True, your hand may get a bit sweaty. Yes, you do lose some manual dexterity. However, you can: Put your hand in boiling oil. Or water. (pull your lobstah out of the pot without tongs!) Take things out of the broiler. Or put your asparagus on the grill and arrange it, as seen in this clip. Best yet: dishwasher safe. Looks new for years. How many pot mitts can you say that about?

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