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24: Rosle Can Opener

This thing seemed too expensive to me...until I tried it. We've sold various safety can openers over the years, and they are often hard to engage and clunky. (Safety can openers cut through the rim instead of the lid, resulting in smooth edges on both can and lid, also the lid does not drop down into the can contents). This opener is beautifully designed and built and engages pretty easily--though cutting through the rim takes a bit of pressure. There are probably better choices of can opener if you are arthritic, but otherwise this takes the cake..er, pineapples.

click here for KitchenArts online store


At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought a can opener like this at a Kmart store and I love it. I was in a Kitchen gadget store that sold nothing but gadgets and the saleslady had never heard of it. So I was very suprised to find it later that day at a Kmart store. I have arthritis in my hands and I found it very easy to operate once I figured out how to get it on the can.


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